Food Additives, Food Ingredients Supplier - Foodchem

> Pork Functional Proteins MSDS




    • 1.1. Product Name:猪肉功能蛋白
    • 1.2. Description:猪肉功能蛋白is a type of functional animal protein manufactured through extraction from pork.
    • 1.3. Chemical Formula:不适用
    • 1.4. Molecular weight:不适用
    • 1.5. CAS #:9000-70-8.
    • 1.6. EINECS #:232-554-6
    • 1.7. Manufactured by:Foodchem International Corporation, Shanghai China.
    • 1.8。受供于:Foodchem International Corporation, Shanghai China.
    • 1.9。用法:In food as nutrition supplements.


    • 2.1. Pork Functional Proteins:不适用
    • 2.2。危险的杂质:Lead (Pb) 3 mg/kg Max, Arsenic (As) 1 mg/kg Max, Heavy Metal (as Pb) 10 mg/kg Max, Total Plate Count 5000 cfu/ g Max, Mould & Yeast 50 cfu/g Max


    • 3.1. Physical State:powder.
    • 3.2. Appearance:White to light yellow free flowing powder
    • 3.3. Odor:无味。
    • 3.4. pH:4.0- 7.0
    • 3.5. Melting point/range:Not available
    • 3.6. Boiling point:Decomposition temperature: >100°C (212°F)
    • 3.7。散装密度:1.2 g / cm3
    • 3.8。溶解度:易溶于热水

    4. Stability/Reactivity

    • 4.1。化学稳定性:Stable under normal temperatures and pressures
    • 4.2. Shelf Life:24 months period
    • 4.3。危险分解:一氧化碳,氮氧化物,二氧化碳。
    • 4.4. Hazardous polymerization:Will not occur
    • 4.5。不相容:强氧化剂。


    • 5.1。贮存:在室温下用原包装保持干燥,凉爽和阴影,避免水分。
    • 5.2. Handling precaution:Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with adequate ventilation. Minimize dust generation and accumulation. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid ingestion and inhalation.

    6. Exposure Control

    • 6.1。工程控制:使用工艺外壳,局部排气通风或其他工程控制,以保持低于推荐的接触限值的机载水平。如果用户操作会产生灰尘,烟雾或雾,请使用通风,以保持暴露于暴露极限的空气污染物。
    • 6.2. Respiratory protection:NIOSH/MSHA or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator
    • 6.3。保护眼睛:Protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles
    • 6.4. Skin Protection:Wear appropriate protective gloves and clothes to minimize skin contact.
    • 6.5. Other:Consult professionals if Pork Functional Proteins need to be handled under some special conditions.

    7. Hazards Identification

    • 7.1. Hazardous overview:在皮肤接触(刺激物),吸入的眼睛接触(刺激物)的皮肤接触(刺激物)的情况下,猪肉功能蛋白略有危险
    • 7.2。接触眼睛:Dust may cause mechanical irritation.
    • 7.3. Contact with skin:Dust may cause mechanical irritation. Intraperitoneal injection has resulted in fetal effects.
    • 7.4. Ingestion:低风险通常的印第安纳州ustrial handling.
    • 7.5. Inhalation:May cause respiratory tract irritation.
    • 7.6。其他:不适用


    • 8.1。接触眼睛:立即用大量水冲洗眼睛至少15分钟,偶尔举起上眼睑和下眼睑。获得医疗援助。
    • 8.2. Contact with skin:Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical aid if irritation develops or persists.
    • 8.3。摄入:如果受害者有意识并警觉,请给予2-4杯牛奶或水。获得医疗援助。
    • 8.4. Inhalation:Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid if cough or other symptoms appear.

    9. Fire and Explosion Data

    • 9.1。一般信息:可以在高温下燃烧。
    • 9.2. Flash point:Not available
    • 9.3. Ignition control:Avoid Daidzein ignition sources Pork Functional Proteins dust might be generated.
    • 9.4. Dust control:保持处理区域以充分的通风
    • 9.5. Extinguishing Media:Not available
    • 9.6. Spills/Leaks:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.


    • 10.1. No special requirements and no restrictions on transportation by land, sea or air.

    11. Ecological Information

    • 11.1. Pork Functional Proteins is fully degradation biodegradable.


    • 12.1. This Safety Data Sheet of Pork Functional Proteins is based upon a limited review of Foodchem Internation Corporation files and standard Toxicological handbooks. We make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Foodchem International Corporation be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Foodchem International Corporation has been advised of the possibility of such damages.